All personal information that you supply to us (including your name, address and telephone number) will be used solely to process orders. We will not sell, rent or share the information you provide to us with any other person. In the rare event you require clarification or have any questions regarding your orders or purchases the contact details you provide like the email address you provide or your phone number be used. You are also able to filter and limit your personal information on our databases at any time. To access this feature visit \”My Account\”.

What kind of information are we collecting?

We will collect your information whenever you sign up on the site, place an order, enter a contest or sweepstakes, respond to a survey or other communication, such as an email, or take part in an additional feature on our site.

If you make an order or register you will be asked for details such as your email address or name. You can still visit the website without disclosing your identity.

How do we use your information?

The following are the reasons:

to personalize your experience on our site as well as to enable us to deliver the type of product and services for which you\’re at.

We\’ll be able give you better customer service if we can respond to your needs.

To quickly process your transactions.

You can run a website feature, for example, a poll contest or advertising.

How do we protect visitor information?

To protect your personal data, we use a number of security measures. The information you provide us is kept in secure networks that are only accessible by a limited quantity of individuals who are granted special access rights to such systems, and are obliged to keep your information confidential. We provide a secure server when you access or place an order. Any sensitive or credit information you provide is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, and encrypted in our database to only be accessed as stated in the previous paragraph.

We have made some changes to our Policy

We will let you know if the privacy practices of our company change. The changes we make to our policy are only effective on the date on which we change our policy.

Feedback, questions and comments

We are open to your suggestions as well as comments and suggestions regarding privacy. All feedback on privacy concerns, or any other topic is welcome.

Your agreement

When you use our site it is assumed that you accept our policy on privacy.